Fun Things to be this Halloween
>> Friday
Trick or Treat anyone?? Who says that all the Halloween candy and scary costumes are only for the little ones? There's many fun parties on Halloween for adults that you can attend this season. I know in my local area we actually have the annual "Halloween Ball" downtown. What are some super scary costumes this year, or maybe you want to be something cute? Well, me and my friends scoured the internet to find some hilarious yet frightening Halloween gear for this year!

Police Woman and Inmate
This is the idea that me and my friends were going to do. One of us was going to be a cop, while the others were escaped convicts. These are neat costumes if you have a group of friends! But all the policewoman costumes we found were extremely sexy...typical, oh well.

Hip Vampire

Monopoly Game

Lost Puppy

all costumes found at
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