Beware Flip Floppers Everywhere! (Fashion Article)
>> Wednesday
In the summer, I want to be as comfortable as possible since I am always on the go. The best invention ever made was the flip flop. All you have to do is slide it on and go!! You can wear them to the beach, park, mall, movies, restaurants, and amusement parks. However, lately the flip flop has been discriminated against and I do not understand why! The first incident came when I was at work at this call center job. Keep in my mind this job is extremely laid back. Everyone wears jeans, tank tops, pajama pants and yes, even house shoes. The main reasons are because the customers do not see you, call centers are high stress areas, and you need to be as comfortable as possible. One day, I threw on my jeans and flip flops to go to work. My supervisor calls me to her desk and precedes to tell me, "Don't ever let me see you wear those again." I'm looking around trying to figure out what she was referring to. I looked down and noticed she was talking about my flip flops. So people can wear house shoes in a laid back workplace but not flip flops?!...The second incident was told to me by my fiance who is a Marine. In the Marines, they have certain codes of conduct and strict standards of public appearance. A Marine has to get their haircut once a week and their uniforms have to be IMMACULATE. However, once a Marine is off duty and out with friends and family relaxing, you would think that the Marine would have freedom to dress and express themselves through their appearance. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, one of the rules is that as a "civilian" the Marine cannot wear flip flops!!! This is completely understandable for Marines on duty, but we are talking about Marines that are either on leave, off base, or just not working. Don't get us wrong my fiance and I love the Marine Corps, we just don't get this little detail;-)....The third incident came when I was visiting my cousins in Memphis, TN and we decided to go out. We got all prettied up and my cousin and I had on these fancy flip flops. As we stood in line, we noticed a big sign that said "NO FLIP FLOPS". Shocked and appalled, we decided to stay in line and stand our ground. Finally, we reached the front and the bouncer looked down at our feet in disgust and turned us away! Don't get me wrong, we usually wear stilettos out but is there a rule that says you have to wear them EVERYTIME?? Maybe I wanted to dance all night and didn't want my feet to hurt! The bouncer then informs us that the reason we could not wear flips flops is because if there was an emergency we wouldn't be able to exit the building safely. Hmm.....let's think about this for a second. I think that I am much safer kicking off flip flops then trying to run in stilettos stumbling, falling, and twisting my ankle! The nerve of some people.
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